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(Reuters circulated the following story on February 3.)

MADRID — Spanish police have arrested a Moroccan man who witnesses say they saw the day before the Madrid train bombings with one of the suspects in the blasts.

A police spokesman on Wednesday said Rachid Bendouda, born in 1971 in the Moroccan town of Oujda, was arrested at a shop he runs in the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapies, where several other suspects in the March 11 blasts have been detained.

He said several witnesses had seen Bendouda with Abdennabi Kounjaa the day before the bombings, which killed 191 people.

Kounjaa was one of seven suspects who blew themselves up when they were cornered by police in Madrid in April, he said.

More than 100 suspected Islamic militants have been arrested in Spain since the March attacks, although many have been released for lack of evidence.