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(Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters press release, May 8, 2012)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa rebutted Mitt Romney’s attack today on working families by noting he made his millions as a vulture capitalist who closed factories and sent jobs to China.

Romney, the former Bain Capital President and CEO and presumptive Republican presidential nominee, again demonstrated how disconnected he is with the average American by belittling the value and contributions of one of the last advocates for working men and women, labor unions. In his remarks at Lansing Community College, Romney blamed unions for job loss, the decline of American industry and the demise of American companies.

“Mitt Romney is the last person that should be pointing the finger at anyone for the decline of American businesses and job loss,” said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. “This nonsense is coming from a man who made his millions dismantling companies and putting countless numbers of middle class workers out on the street. He is nothing more than a parrot, repeating whatever talking points that are put in front of him each day. This is not a man that should be in the White House as we continue down the path to economic recovery.”

In his remarks, Romney also made clear his support for right-to-work for less laws that are solely designed to hamstring labor unions and help drive down wages and benefits for workers so that big business can increase profits on the backs of the middle class.

“Right-to-work laws are not right for America’s workers,” Hoffa said. “In this time of rising health costs and dwindling wages and benefits, the last thing workers need is a president that wants to destroy the strong representation that unions provide. In Romney’s America, workers would not be able to bargain for better wages, stronger work rules or affordable health care. Is that really what the 99 percent needs right now? I don’t think so.”

Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @TeamsterPower.