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In a February 3 article detailing how railroad management’s public positions on railroad safety differ from their lobbying activity, the Washington Post exposed how the rail industry routinely says one thing — but does the opposite.“Over the past year, the nation’s five largest rail operators together spent roughly $17 million to lobby lawmakers, while donating generously to key members of Congress who oversee transportation issues.” Some of the chief beneficiaries of industry cash are now opposing or slowing down rail safety legislation, according to The Post’s investigation. U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) was quoted in the story saying, “For 150 years, the rail industry has been one of the most powerful industries in the country. They have spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying. It’s what they do. They’re very good at it.” The BLET worked with Washington Post reporter Tony Romm on background for the story. It is available on the Washington Post website (paywall).