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Brother Todd Sizemore, a member of BLET Division 423 (Tuscumbia, Ala.), was reelected by acclamation to his second term as Chairman of the Alabama State Legislative Board at its quadrennial meeting on September 13, 2023. The Alabama State Legislative Board represents more than 1,200 active and retired members in 11 different BLET Local Divisions. Also elected by acclamation at the quadrennial meeting were: 1st Vice Chairman David Clinkscales, Division 495 (Montgomery, Ala.); 2nd Vice Chairman James Kinsman, Division 386 (Birmingham, Ala.); and Secretary-Treasurer Terry Mashburn, Division 423 (Tuscumbia, Ala.). Elected to serve the Board as Trustees were: Hayward Black, Division 899 (Birmingham, Ala.); Roger Bickerstaff, Division 684 (Birmingham, Ala.); and Dustyn Willis, Division 280 (Tuscumbia, Ala.). Brother Sizemore currently serves Division 423 as Local Chairman. He served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Alabama SLB for 12 years. In 2015, he was elected 1st Vice Chairman, and in 2019, he was elected Chairman. BLET Vice President & National Legislative Representative Vince Verna thanked and congratulated Brother Sizemore.